January 18, 2019 Hydraulic Products Blogs 0 Comment

Solving problems with Hydraulic Systems and Piston-Pumps

It can be hard to believe, but problems with piston-pumps are actually more common than many engineers may realise. Here we are going to explore the problems all too familiar with piston-pumps and how you can avoid these issues with your own hydraulic system.

  A common problem that occurs is piston-pumps cracking, which is often the result of a restricted case-drain line. This essentially causes the pump to transform into a pressure vessel, which of course is not going to end well!

While you may assume that this issue would be caused by a failure in the pumps rotating group, it’s most likely to be a problem with a flowmeter where the loading valve has been set to the open position.

 A leakage that has occurred without a proper filter can cause far too much pressure on the pump and result in a crack, or even blow out its seal. Even if this doesn’t happen to your system, it’s important to take into consideration the damage high pressure can cause.

Another common cause for pump failure is the use of low-quality fluids. The fluid you use is the most important component of any hydraulic system, so ensuring a high-quality fluid with the correct viscosity is being used is vital.

An estimated 70% of hydraulic system failures are caused by contamination, particularly particle contamination. To avoid this problem with your system, you should be regularly performing oil analysis’ with particle counts.

Also, the design of your system should be taken into consideration. Think about it, a poor system design is going to result in more issues, costing you more in repairs in the long-run. We offer a bespoke design service to create a system right for your needs. For more information on the services that we offer, get in touch with us here.